To my delight they had just harvested the remains of their Brussels sprouts. There were huge bins of them still on the stalk in the back waiting to be made market ready. There were also huge bins of cabbages.
But first the apples. Northern Spy and Honey Crisp are two varieties that are hard to come by in the city, so I stocked up on them. Then I saw a shelf of apple butter that would have rivaled Bubba’s litany of shrimp dishes for variety on a single theme. People in
When the time came to add it all up, I walked out of there with quite a deal. Given that the price on the Brussels sprouts was $3 per stalk, I expected to pay a good bit more for this market basket of goods than I did. For 3 Brussels sprouts stalks, 3 butternut squash, 1 blue Hubbard, 1 cauliflower, 1 quart of pear cider, 10 apples, and a can of peaches thrown in for good measure I paid ....................................

$10 .00
Pennsylvania ... I'll be back
Bubba and his shrimp recipies...what a great comment.
Northern Spy is a rarity down here. But you still are hardpressed to beat a nice fresh Stayman for inclusion in the brown lunch bag.
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