The vegetable garden produced well this year. (I failed to

I also busied myself harvesting saffron crocus. As I worked my way down the row putting the flowers and their precious stamens in my hat, I realized that these little flowers were the only show in town for the eager butterflies and bees. When I got to the last four plants, there was quite a traffic jam of wildlife clustered there, and my HAT was filled with butterflies as well.
I was introduced at my first evening meal to a new winter squash they grew this year called "Sucre du Berry". It is about the color of a cantaloupe inside and it has a naturally sweet flavor. And I also saw my first Sibley squash, though I didn't get to taste it.
sucre du berrry winter squash

I left the farm on Thursday morning loaded with canned goods and peppers and fresh herbs and some arugula. Once again a good time on the east side of Warm Springs Mountain.
what a nice haul! i wish i'm capable of growing my own plants and flowers
Nothing brings a smile to one's face like a bountiful harvest. Even though your visit was to close the season, your words make me long to get outside and try to hang on to what's left of this one. I'm already planning for next year.
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