I will return to put things totally to bed in early December. But for now I need to say goodbye to this season. It is hard to let go this year. I guess it is the disappointment of the tomato crop and the harvest that never really peaked. I never had too much of anything really, and maybe one needs a little harvest fatigue in order to feel OK about taking a rest from it all.
If someone told me I could come to southern Florida and plant 80 tomato plants right now, I would consider it. I just did not get enough this season.
I am off for a few weeks for a tour of Eastern Europe. I MAY get to post on the travel blog ... we'll see.
Have a great trip!
I used to garden at my former home. This year was the first time gardening in this house after an 8 year pause (high deer population is a big issue). The tomato season was horrible here in CT. I got a blight, never had that before, it hit this area hard. The tomatoes were thoroughly underwhelming. Also 16 pepper plants yielded two ping pong sized peppers, big whoop.
It wasn't you, it was the weather!
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