Friday, June 22, 2007

The Solstice

The solstice came and went yesterday. We are now officially in summer. For me the solstice is always a bittersweet yin and yang moment. We wait and wait for summer to come, only to realize that now we are moving back toward winter. Perhaps the real message should be to savor every moment in the garden ... even the days when you are planting potatoes on a cold day in March ... even the sweltering humid days of weeding ... all of these are part of living in the present moment. This is a good reminder for me ... I tend to be waiting for the first squash, the first pea, and of course the first TOMATO ... and I need to remember that what it is really about is the process not the product ... or at least about the balance of product and process.


Anonymous said...

Lovely post. Indeed, each moment as it comes along with the gift it brings. I'm really trying to live more in the moment and it's not as easy as it sounds. With each sad there is a happy. We just need to look for it.

Christy said...

I was telling my husband on the solstice that I find it to be bittersweet. I'm not a winter person so I celebrate summer being here but know that now the days are getting shorter and we are getting closer to winter. Living in the moment is a skill I want to learn.