Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Garlic Harvest Begins

As you can see from the above photo some of my softnecks have already fallen over. A sure sign that harvest time is near.

I try to operate on the 4-6 dead leaves rule. When the majority of the garlic in a particular variety are showing 4-6 dead leaves, then it is time to dig them up and let them cure. I did that last night with my Loiacona soft neck and my Ukranian hard neck. They are resting in the "curing shed."
It still feels a little early to be pulling up garlic in New England. Take a look at the Music porcelain variety. If I follow the 4-6 dead leaf rule, this puppy is ready for the shed. But the head itself is healthy and growing, showing no signs of having been in the ground too long. So I am tempted to leave the Musics in another week. If I follow the 4-6 dead leaf rule, this puppy is ready for the shed. But the head itself is healthy and growing, showing no signs of having been in the ground too long. So I am tempted to leave the Musics in another week.

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