Thursday, May 24, 2007

What's growing this week

Inspired by my friends at Walatoola, I have decided to do a "From the Garden Gate" photo each Wednesday this summer.

Today was spent planting tomatoes and zucchini into the garden. It is a glorious time of year to be outdoors. Red-winged blackbirds chase each other across the hayfield and the magic aroma of Russian olives drifts up your nose on an unexpected breeze. I had that wonderful experience you only get at planting time of tucking plants into the ground today... of firming the ground with both hands. It felt a bit like a laying on of hands ... a transfer from my care to Mother Earth's care. Yes, it's time for the handoff.

And here's what's growing this week.

the garlic has yet to show scapes

two harvests each day of asparagus ~ this morning's pick

slowly but surely Brussels sprouts

kale for Caldo Verde

and finally Swiss chard

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, it is hard to believe that the Vineyard is just that far behind the mainland. The trees are not even fully out! I like your post from the Garden Gate and may adopt that myself if you don't mind! It will be incentive to keep the vegetable garden looking neat and tidy!