My garlic crop is coming along nicely. The hardnecks are putting up scapes and all the plants look green and healthy. It is hard to believe that NOW is the time to order for next year ... but it is. In fact,
Filaree Farm is already out of Montana Giant and Youghiogheny Purple for planting this fall.
I have a little plan for maximizing garden space this summer.

Inside my softnecked garlic bed I have interplanted sweet potato slips. The theory is that the garlic will be harvested BEFORE any growth would have taken place below ground. Then I leave the bed to the sweet potato vines, drown them regularly in Bobbex to keep the deer away and harvest my sweet potatoes just before I need to plant next year's garlic crop.
1 comment:
That is an interesting idea to start one crop before the other is done. I've seen a couple of bloggers do it this year with different things. I hope yours does well.
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