I decided to make a pizza using goat cheese from local goats, tomato sauce from tomatoes I had canned last season, spring onions, hot house tomatoes and basil from Morning Glory Farm, and some garlic scapes that I roasted on the grill before putting on the pizza.
So I got to reflecting on the GOOD CLEAN and FAIR of this situation. The cheese sure is GOOD. It is fresh and tasty. Is it CLEAN? Well here is where the government and I differ on the meaning of CLEAN. This herd of goats is well cared for in a sustainable setting, and the petroleum used to get it to me would have been nil if I had ridden my bike to the farm. Is it STERILE? Well not to government standards. And because of that this farmer has decided to sell off some of his herd, because unless he makes the $65,000 investment, there is no way he can market his cheese.
So is that FAIR? It seems there ought to be a line we can walk in this country that understands that there can be a balance between the rules we make for agribusiness and the rules we make for small, sustainable farms. No, I do not want to get sick from cheese. But is this all or nothing approach the answer?
But enough of this ... Here's to communities gathering together to celebrate GOOD, CLEAN, FAIR food.
Sharing the meal with your community just seems to draw the "local" aspect of OLS to an even more meaningful level. Sounds like everyone enjoyed it :-)
Wow, I love the story about how you get your cheese! It also makes me think about how the FDA likes to warn us about how raw milk can make you sick, even though a big chain like Dunkin' Donuts has to stop serving drinks made from salmonella tainted dried milk. Ha!
That crust looks fantastic...would you be willing to share your pizza dough recipe?
Sophie, I confess the dough was store bought. I will say that where the crust overlapped the edge I did insert some extra goat cheese and overlap it so the crust was filled with fresh goat cheese.
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